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Dream It

In 1987, after results from surveys and meetings, it was found that there was a fast growing community of Catholics in South St. Vital.  Our new parish was established, then known as South St. Vital Catholic Community", and our first Mass was celebrated in the St. Germain School gym on Sunday, September 11, 1988. Our parish quickly grew.  

In 1989, the new name for the parish was chosen: "The Roman Catholic Parish of St. Timothy". When Archbishop Hacault conferred upon us the name of St. Timothy, he specifically mentioned two references from St. Paul's letter to Timothy: 1 Tim 4, 12 and 2 Tim 1, 6.  In doing so, he placed our parish community under the patronage of St. Timothy and he encouraged us to model his way of living out the Good News.

Build It

The Roman Catholic Parish of St. Timothy was blessed with the use of the gym of St. Germain School and the use of Christ the King Parish's rooms for catechism; however the time had come to build a new home for our community.


With this in mind, a Building Fund was started, a Facilities Committee established, and an architect was selected. For the next four years, we would plan, fundraise for, and build our new parish home. Finally, the plans were completed and approved by the Archdiocese. 

Construction began in March, 1994.  and on the evening of December 10, 1994, His Grace, Archbishop Antoine Hacault dedicated the new church. The procession started from the gym of St. Germain and continued through the doors of the new church. The dedication and first Mass  took place in our new home!

Live It

The Parish of St. Timothy is capable of welcoming people from the North, South, East, and West with an entrance at each of the four cardinal points.  This is a direct fulfillment of our Lord’s words that “people will come from east and west, from north and south, and will eat in the kingdom of God,” as well as St. John’s vision of the Heavenly Jerusalem with gates on each side (cf. Rev. 21). Our parish truly seeks to be

“saints from every tribe and language and people and nation” (Rev. 5:9). As Christians, we are then dismissed from the Mass to go back out into all the world bringing Jesus to all.

Upon entering, the first distinctive feature of our parish is our baptismal font in the atrium or narthex. Having first been washed in the waters of Baptism, we are called to worship the Lord by offering our daily lives as a “living sacrifice, holy and acceptable to God” (Rom 12:1), and then to unite ourselves with the offering of Christ to the Father for the salvation of the whole world in the Mass. 


Entering the worship space or nave, worshippers are welcomed by soft, warm colours, clean lines, and gentle light. Another distinctive feature of our church is the large windows, which allow for maximum daylight and for a sense of communion with the rest of creation. At the centre and heart of all of this is the Altar, the place where we offer ourselves with Christ, and Christ gives himself back to us in the Eucharist. All of these elements create an ambiance of harmony that soothes and calls to worship the Living God with all the angels and saints in the heavenly liturgy here on earth.


Parish of St. Timothy | 135 John Forsyth Road, Winnipeg, MB, R2N 1R3

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