RCIA/Adult Faith Formation is on Saturday at 10 am. We’re talking about the Sacraments! Anyone who wants to know more about our faith is welcome!
Lent starts next week:
Ash Wednesday Masses (with distribution of ashes) are at 9:30 am and 7:30 pm on March 6!
Start Lent off right with a short but fruitful parish retreat on Sunday, March 9 at 1 pm! Join us for a simple but hearty veggie soup and bun lunch after the 11 am Mass on the 9th and visit with your fellow parishioners before the retreat if you wish. Just RSVP for the lunch at the little table in the narthex by our Parish Book of Intercessions so that we can plan accordingly!
If you’ve been meaning to journey and learn more about Indigenous and non-Indigenous relationships, the challenges and road to reconciliation, your chance begins next week from the comfort and convenience of our parish home! Read about the sessions being offered starting Thursday, March 6 at 7 pm – Listening to Indigenous Voices
Read the bulletin here!