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Bulletin for September 15, 2024

“JESUS asked them, ‘But who do you say that I am?’ Peter answered him, ‘You are the CHRIST.’” MARK 8.29 Christ Pantocrator from Saint Catherine's Monastery in Sinai (6th-century encaustic icon)

A few bulletin highlights:


·         Just a reminder that we’ve started the Agape Table campaign to collect lunch items to help feed the poorest of the poor in Winnipeg.  If you can help, bring fruit or pudding cups, granola bars, juice boxes and drop them in the SSVP by October 8! Thank you!!

·         We’ve had some interest to start a Liturgy of the Word for Children at the 11 am Mass.  Read Fr. Brian’s message about that news!

·         If you haven’t shared your thoughts or ideas about the location of the tabernacle, please do! Thank you for the feedback so far.  

Read the bulletin here!



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Parish of St. Timothy | 135 John Forsyth Road, Winnipeg, MB, R2N 1R3

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