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Bulletin for September 8, 2024

“‘Ephphatha’, that is, ‘be opened!’” Mark 7.34 Philippe de Champaigne - (1602-1674)

Dear Parish Family,


You’ll find TONS of information in this bulletin, but here are a couple things happening this weekend after Mass:


·         The Knights are selling Grey Cup pool tickets ($5) and tickets for their FUN-raiser Trivia Night coming October 25 ($25)!


·         There are still a few Fashion Show and Lunch tickets ($25) available plus the organizers will be selling raffle tickets for their awesome prizes!


Also, SSVP is starting their annual campaign for Agape Table this weekend.  We’re collecting granola bars, juice boxes, pudding cups and fruit cups to go towards lunches for those very much in need.  Drop those items off in the SSVP bins if you can help.

Read the bulletin here!


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Parish of St. Timothy | 135 John Forsyth Road, Winnipeg, MB, R2N 1R3

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