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How Does Our PPC Work?

Updated: Dec 3, 2023

Last week, St. Timothy's Parish Pastoral Council (PPC) asked parishioners to begin to pray about the need for additional members. Perhaps, some are beginning to feel the “nudge” of the Holy Spirit and would like to know more about how the St. Timothy PPC works. The following information may help as you continue to discern the invitation to join the PPC for yourself or someone you know.

  • PPC members are to pray, reflect, guide and inspire the parish in defining the pastoral situation of the parish and the initiative required to meet its particular needs.

  • PPC aims to engage and enable the whole parish community to a fuller participation in the mission of the parish.

  • PPC exists in a co-responsibility with the Pastor to foster pastoral activity in accordance with the mission of the parish.

Currently, we are seven (7) active parishioners who assist Fr. Brian in the pastoral works of the parish. Our membership is a broad representation of the parish, and we want to reflect the diversity of our parish community in terms of gender, age, ethnic and social background, etc. It is also important to have at least one member under 26 years old who can bring the voice of the youth.

We meet once a month for two hours from September to June. There may be additional meetings in between for Ad Hoc Committee work. One of the key responsibilities of PPC is to be prayerful, and so we spend a good portion of our meeting in prayer during our meetings; we open and close our meetings with prayers. Through prayer and discernment, we search for guidance of the Holy Spirit in our consensus building process.

PPC also works closely and collaboratively, with the Committee on Finance, who assists Fr. Brian with the fiscal responsibility for the parish.

In fellowship, we want to serve, foster participation, and engage our parishioners in parish life. It is a rewarding experience to serve as a member of PPC.

Photo by Bich Tran:


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Parish of St. Timothy | 135 John Forsyth Road, Winnipeg, MB, R2N 1R3

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