On May 31, 2024, my Diaconate Ordination took place at St. Emile Parish on the Feast of the Visitation of Our Lady. The ordination ceremony went exceptionally well, with the church filled with people and the Spirit of God. I would like to express my JOY and GRATITUDE using the words of Mary, “My soul proclaims the greatness of the Lord, my spirit rejoices in God, my Savior, for he has looked with favor on his lowly servant” (Luke 1:46-47).
I want to highlight some special events in my life to show how good God has been to me. I grew up on a rice farm in the small town of Huong Lam, Hue, Vietnam, with a Catholic community of around 900 people. I am grateful for the faith instilled in me by my parents, who took me to the church to get baptized when I was three months old. The greatest gift my parents gave me was the Catholic faith, nurturing me to be a child of God. My parents and the community have been instrumental in teaching me the Catholic faith.
I felt the calling to priesthood when I was in grade 10. My parish priest, Dominic Nguyen, inspired me with his holy life and fervent dedication. He provided me with books about the saints, which brought me immense joy and strengthened my desire to dedicate my life to the Lord.
After completing my Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA) in 2013, I spent two years in the Minor Seminary of Hue, Vietnam, followed by three years in the Major Seminary of Hue, where I completed my Philosophy Program.
In the summer of 2018, Archbishop Albert LeGatt invited me to join the Archdiocese of St. Boniface. After much prayer and discussions with my parents, spiritual director, and parish priest, I made the decision to accept His invitation.
During my time in the Major Seminary of Hue, I visited a cemetery with tombs of missionaries who came to spread the good news to Vietnam. Their dedication and sacrifice inspired me to give my life to God and His Holy Church, following in their footsteps.
I arrived in Canada on October 30, 2018, and continued my seminary studies at St. Peter’s Seminary in London, ON. I have been blessed to meet many kind and holy people who have supported and encouraged me in my studies and adaptation to the new culture.
God willing, I will be ordained to the priesthood in June 2025. I hope for your blessings and prayers as I continue this journey. I am currently with the people of St. Timothy for six weeks this summer and am happy to be here. I will keep you in my prayers. God Bless!
Deacon Peter Tran